Who Knows What God Has in Store for Me…

Thoughts This Morning

Who knows what God has in store for me…

I find it very difficult to not try to control my life. But sometimes it is really easy to let go. I think where I struggle is with the mindset…all day i’m thinking about “I”. What I need to do, what I need to get done at work, what I need to do when I get home, how can I do that in the easiest way possible, it’s all about ME. Therein lies the problem. I remember watching a documentary about Hare Krishna devotees in the eighties where they followed one or two devotees around on their daily lives and asked them questions and stuff to see how a devotee interacts in the world. What stuck with me most about this documentary was how the devotees woke up at 3 AM and immediately began chanting, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram, Hare Hare”. When I watched this I remember initially thinking, “wow that’s insane, but kind of cool”, yet I never understood why they were doing that. But now as I look back I see the point in what they were doing. The moment they woke up, they immediately fixed their focus on God.

I am imagining a life where I to choose to focus more on God than on myself, because some(to be honest) most days it is really easy to go all day without thinking of God at all. Thinking of God more often could only be positive, yet for some reason I feel some aversion to this and in my chest as I am typing and thinking about it my breath becomes shallow. What could this life look like for me? Do I have to leave my life of comfort to really think and focus on God, and what does comfort mean? I think of people who have devoted their lives to God, various indian saints, priests, deacons, hermits, sufi mystics…no matter where they are in the world, or what religion they follow or don’t follow, when you choose to follow God more than yourself I think that discomfort is to be expected. What were talking about here doesn’t necessarily mean trading up the comforts of your home for a hut in the forest(although there is value there for some people) the discomfort may be in learning to trust and have faith in something that you can’t touch or see or a little bit of both.

In closing I hope that my rambling isn’t too fractured to get through but these are just some thoughts I am having this morning. Moreover I invite everyone to investigate in their lives where they are comfortable, and where they could spend some more time listening to God instead of yourselves. On top of all that…here is a quote from Swami Satchidananda 🙂 

We are all different colors, sizes, and shapes on the outside, but inside the same light shines. We may look different, but if we see the spirit, we realize, I am you; you are me; we are one.”

-Swami Satchidananda



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